Surprises: Archive Images
A collection of archive material, posters, rehearsal and production images pertaining to Alan Ayckbourn's Surprises. The Archive Images page is presented in association with the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York where the Ayckbourn Archive is held. Click on an image to expand.Surprises (2012)

The original production of Surprises in 2012 had three different posters for its world premiere at Scarborough, its transfer to Chichester Festival Theatre and then its UK tour. This is the original poster for the Stephen Joseph Theatre, which was replaced for Chichester.
Copyright: Scarborough Theatre Trust
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
Copyright: Scarborough Theatre Trust
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.

Surprises features a holographic transmitter called a Hipro. Bill Champion is in the 'machine' in this production image from the world premiere production in 2012.
Photographer: Robert Day (© Robert Day)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
Photographer: Robert Day (© Robert Day)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
The Scene and Archive Images pages are presented in association with the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York, where the Ayckbourn Archive is held.
All images on this page are copyright of the respective and labelled individual / organisation and should not be reproduced without permission.
All images on this page are copyright of the respective and labelled individual / organisation and should not be reproduced without permission.